Why a Self-care Tool Box is essential
A must-have for my life is my self-care toolbox. It is stocked with a variety of tools and techniques that help me move through the ups and downs of life. These tools may be similar to yours: breathwork, massage, acupuncture, energy work, sound healing, EFT, etc. As I have walked through life, I have added tools to my toolbox as well discarded those that no longer resonated. In fact, I have found that the right tool presents itself at the right time according to when I most need it. However, the most important and most effective tools that I use are those that I can employ myself.
Spa services, such as massage, are always nuturing and relaxing, but for me, they do not create the long-lasting effect that I am looking for, which is a deep sense of peace and contentment. I have found the same result from depending on vices such as junk food, alcohol and TV. They are usually a band-aid for what is truly needing to be tended to beneath the surface: boredom, worry, anger, sadness and so on. However, whatever brings you comfort in the moment has its place.
I am also a huge advocate of talk therapy and its benefits. However, a counselor is not always available in the middle of the night when you are having a breakdown. Your partner may not be able to be emotionally present when you are feeling strong emotions. Your friends may not be able to relate to your circumstances and actively listen without giving advice. For that reason, it is important to have healthy ways of bringing yourself back into balance.
Using tools such as EFT and other tapping techniques has become my go-to when I need help harmonizing my emotions and nervous system. In fact, just the act of sitting down with the intention of giving myself care in this way begins to settle the upset parts of me. There is something about finally pausing and allowing yourself to sit with what is alive for you that instantly starts the healing process. It is that part of you that can finally exhale because you are ready to listen. Yes, it is a practice and a new habit to form but it is completely worth it and has long-term benefits that strengthen your emotional foundation and ability to navigate life.
What self-care tools work for you?
If you would like help creating tools for your toolbox, I can help. Contact me.