eft/Tapping to Balance Your Feminine & Masculine Qualities
An introduction tapping sequence that gives you permission to be and to have both masculine and feminine qualities.
EFT/Tapping Video for Work/Life Balance
An EFT/Tapping video that helps you slow down and take less than 10 minutes to bring more a little more balance to your life.
EFT/Tapping Video for releasing Expections
An EFT/Tapping video that helps you release expectations and get back into the flow of life.

What is EFT/Tapping?
A detailed explanation of what Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka EFT/Tapping, is and how it helps you.

Why a Self-care Tool Box is essential
A blog about what tools I use to move through the up and downs of life, bring myself back into balance and feel more peace and contentment.

healing Through the Looking Glass

Reciprocation in relationship
This blog post talks about my journey with creating balance in relationships by way of reciprocation and how that helped me redefine healthy love.

Battling Being Enough
In this post, I write about my fears of not being good enough and how shifted those fears with EFT/Tapping.

letting myself emerge one step at a Time
In this blog post, I talk about allowing myself to be seen in a different way and the steps I took to move through the anxiety around it.

Feeling Comfortable being seen
A post about how I learned to open up in friendships and allow myself to be seen and heard after being conditioned as a child to stay small and silent.